Application Pipeline Setup in AWS

Application Pipeline Setup in AWS

Target Groups Application Pipeline Setup AWS console ⇒ EC2: Target Groups ⇒ Create target group Create 2 groups Ludlow2-api-qa Ludlow2-api-prod The port doesn’t matter, keep it as default: 80. Load Balancer setup AWS console ⇒ EC2 ⇒ Load Balancers ⇒ Create Load...

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SWARM Deployment Architecture

SWARM Deployment Architecture

Here at SWARM, our engineering team has agreed on the following goals for deployment architecture. Automatic Deployment should happen automatically. Creating and publishing packages are for the dark ages! Reproducible Production environment should be the same as the...

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Is Your Competitive Intelligence Working for You?

Is Your Competitive Intelligence Working for You?

The first and possibly the most important benefit of CI, is that as a young company it allows you to become more agile than your competition. Company agility is the ability to deploy rapid changes to your business model, and should a competitor with more resources enter the same space as you, having this CI will allow you to act by changing your value proposition, sales model or anything that will allow your startup to regain that competitive advantage.

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