5 Product Tips for Looking Good to VCs

5 Product Tips for Looking Good to VCs

We work with a lot of new ventures. Our goal is not only to help them distill ideas into digital products that users will love, but also to make them into successful businesses. In today’s climate this means raising money at the start. Here are some product tips...
The FCC Unbundling Just Shook up the Living Room

The FCC Unbundling Just Shook up the Living Room

This post first appeared in Campaign Magazine. Remember that time you were watching Hulu and were prompted to watch one ad or another, and you couldn’t care less? What if the ad instead offered you a discount and was specifically related to what you wanted to do?...
Navigating Venture Capital’s Murky Waters

Navigating Venture Capital’s Murky Waters

  No secret that we at SWARM have worked with, and work with startups. As a part of our business these are some of the most fun and challenging projects because they require us to really dive into the product and make those assumptions that will place the MVP at...