In the age of Internet of Things, or IoT, we’re experiencing a level of connectedness like never before. Everything from our watches to cars to home devices can generate data about itself. It analyzes it in relation to other events, and shares that information with...
Is design important? As every entrepreneur knows, when bootstrapping or working with a small budget, it’s important to be very careful with resources. It’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting one team member to take on the responsibilities of multiple roles. With...
If you’ve ever worked on any remote or “outsourced” team then you’re about to be nodding your head. Unfortunately, all too familiar with the all too many problems of communication that arise. Often times the distance barrier creates misunderstandings and those...
There’s a lot of talk in startup land (and even in enterprise worlds) about utilizing Agile methodologies to build Minimal Viable Products (MVPs). The idea of incremental iteration, based on tests and data, is a great way to assess a feature set’s success. Yet,...
Wondering about app creation? Let’s start with the MVP, or minimum viable product. Fundamentally, the MVP is the most basic product that you send to market which will test your idea. However, when you’re building an MVP, it’s hard to know where to...